Bee force on Indian border: New initiative boosts security

The Indian Border Security Force (BSF) has adopted an innovative method to combat illegal entry and smuggling along the border. They have introduced a “Bee Force” initiative. In Nadia district of West Bengal, close to the Bangladesh border, the BSF has installed artificial beehives along the barbed wire fencing as a new strategy to deter intruders.

Recently, the BSF’s 32nd Battalion has implemented this method in the border areas of West Bengal. Their goal is that if any intruder or smuggler attempts to breach the border, the swarm of bees will attack and scare them away, forcing them to retreat. According to BSF officials, this has significantly reduced the amount of border crime.

How the Bee Force Works

The project started in November 2023, when BSF officials began learning beekeeping to strengthen border security. Currently, specially installed honey boxes are placed around the barbed wire fences. These boxes house bees that are ready to attack criminals.

Commandant Sujit Kumar of the 32nd Battalion has stated that this method has proven to be highly successful and has played a crucial role in reducing border criminal activities. The incidence of illegal entry and smuggling at the border is now close to zero.

Local Residents’ Reactions

Jyoti Mondal, a resident of Kadipur village, said that previously there were various petty crimes and smuggling incidents in the border area. However, after the deployment of bees, the number of crimes has significantly decreased. The fear of bees has deterred intruders from approaching the border, thereby enhancing border security.

Plans for Expansion to Other Units

After proving successful in one unit, the BSF is considering implementing the “Bee Force” method in other units as well. This initiative is expected not only to enhance border security but also to create a new source of income through beekeeping for retired BSF personnel.

The use of a “Bee Force” at the Indian border could establish a unique example of security measures globally. This method is becoming not only a powerful tool for border security but also a sustainable initiative through beekeeping.

Source: News-18

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