The price of gas cylinders in India today?

The price of gas cylinders in India is not stable and it can be different place to place. Prices of commodities fluctuate based on production, supply, and consumption rates within a country. India shares a long-standing commercial relationship with Bangladesh. Both countries rely on each other for trade. Bangladesh, rich in natural gas reserves, has more gas reserves compared to India. India, with fewer reserves, often imports gas from Bangladesh to meet its domestic demand.

India and Bangladesh’s Commercial Relationship:

The price of gas cylinders in India is also depend on Bangladesh and India business relationship. The trade relationship between India and Bangladesh is a crucial aspect of economic development in South Asia. This bilateral trade is deep and multidimensional. India is one of Bangladesh’s top trade partners, particularly in terms of imports and exports. Bangladesh primarily imports industrial goods, food items, pharmaceuticals, and petroleum products from India, while India imports ready-made garments, leather goods, and jute products from Bangladesh. Over the years, both countries have signed several trade agreements and memorandums of understanding to strengthen their commercial ties, such as improving land ports, establishing free trade agreements, and simplifying cross-border trade. This relationship not only boosts economic growth but also strengthens political and cultural ties between the two nations.

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Current Gas Prices in India:

Gas prices in India, particularly for household use of liquefied petroleum gas (LPG), vary frequently based on factors like international market trends, government taxes, subsidies, and fuel policy changes. As of September 2024, the price of an LPG cylinder for household use in major Indian cities ranges from 1,000 to 1,100 Indian Rupees (INR), or slightly higher in some places. This price can vary across different states and cities due to local taxes and other fees. To get the latest gas prices in India, it’s advisable to check with local suppliers or visit government websites.

Here’s a table showing LPG prices in different Indian cities, as per information sourced from the different websites:

City LPG Price (INR per Cylinder) Change (INR per Cylinder)
Patna 1,201.00 0.00
Pune 1,106.00 0.00
Shimla 1,148.00 0.00
Mysore 1,107.50 0.00
Nagpur 1,154.50 0.00
Nashik 1,106.50 0.00
Raipur 1,174.00 0.00
Rajkot 1,104.00 0.00
Ranchi 1,160.50 0.00
Salem 1,136.50 0.00
Thiruvananthapuram 1,112.00 0.00

The data reflects unstable prices across various cities, but these rates can change with fluctuations in global oil prices and domestic policy shifts.


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